Publication Norms





 It is an international peer-reviewed journal published electronically on the internet, two issues (Spring and Fall) per year.


  1. The Pursuit Of History ‐International Periodical For History And Social Research‐is based on the criteria set by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) ( on ethical principles and values and in the Directive of YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics (https:// takes into account the determined principles.
  2. For research that requires ethics committee approval, ethics committee approval, should be stated in the article and documented.
  3. Manuscripts sent to the journal and which are found to be in violation of research and publication ethics are rejected. If a violation of research and publication ethics in the relevant article is detected after publication, the article will be removed from publication.
  4. Responsibility of Authors: The author checks and undertakes whether the article he/she sends to the journal complies with the ethical rules, publication principles and writing rules adopted by the journal.
  5. Responsibility of the referees: The referee evaluates the manuscript sent to her/ him, taking into account the principles determined by COPE, and submits the report containing her/his views on the manuscript to the Editorial Board within the allotted time.
  6. Responsibility of Editors: Editor is responsible for carrying out the evaluation process of the articles submitted to the journal in an impartial manner, keeping the reviwer evaluation process confidential, and sharing information with the Editorial Board regarding the evaluation and publication processes within the framework of COPE standards. He/ she also complies with the standards set by COPE when duplicate publication, slicing, plagiarism, fabricated data, conflict of interest and suspicion of unfair authorship occur regarding an article sent to the journal for publication.
  7. Manuscripts to be published in the journal are subject to a plagiarism review (Turnitin or iThenticate) by the Editor.


  1. The Pursuit Of History ‐International Periodical For History And Social Research‐ is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, in spring and fall.
  2. Research articles, compilations, translations and book reviews in the field of social sciences, mainly History-Turkish history, are published in the journal.
  3. The articles submitted to the journal must comply with the scientific research criteria, be original, bring a novelty to the field, and must not have been published elsewhere. Manuscripts that do not fulfill these conditions are rejected at the preliminary examination stage.
  4. Papers presented in national and international symposiums can be published, provided that they have not been published elsewhere and that the name, place, date etc. of the symposium in which they are presented are stated in the article.
  5. While you are submitting article to the journal, it is required to pay 200 TL for the following expenses such as journal typesetting, design and web-sites of the journal. The required fee isn’t related with article publishing. The acceptance or refusal of the article by the referees isn’t related with the journal fee. If your article isn’t accepted by the journal, the journal fee will repay.
  6. The responsibility for the contents and appendixes of papers rests upon the authors. No royalties are paid to the authors for the papers. The authors accept the renounce of the royalty.
  7. In the articles created from master’s and doctoral theses, the principles of publication ethics should be respected, the thesis advisor, thesis title and thesis type should be indicated with footnotes. In addition, the bibliography of the thesis should be added to the bibliography.
  8. The publication language of the journal is Turkish, but if deemed appropriate, articles in English, German, French and Russian are also included.
  9. The application of the manuscripts prepared in accordance with the spelling rules is made through the journal system/contact address of the journal and the publication process is followed from the Publication Tracking tab on the journal website.
  10. Author title, name, surname, institution, e-mail address and ORCID no. and the relevant information about the author should be sent via the contact address given below. All kinds of communication should be made from the contact address given below.
  11. Turkish Language Association (Türk Dil Kurumu -TDK) spelling guide is taken as a basis for the writing of Turkish articles.
  12. The article sent to the journal is sent to a maximum of three referees by the journal editor / assistant editors for the purpose of checking its scientific adequacy. The referees are given one month to evaluate the article. The article is published in an appropriate issue by the journal management in line with the positive reports from two referees as a result of the evaluation. If the article is not published due to negative reports, the author cannot claim any rights. The publication process of the article can take up to one year.
  13. For the articles that are sending to the journal, it is necessary to add similarity report such as Turnitin or iThenticate while you are sending the article. If the similarity report is above %20, the articles will not be accepted.
  14. The Editor of the Journal has the right to make editorial corrections in the articles submitted for publication and accepted for publication.
  15. The copyright of the articles published in the journal belongs to the Editor of the Journal . Manuscripts cannot be published elsewhere in print or electronically without the permission of the Editor.
  16. Our periodical is an electronically published journal.


  1. At the beginning of the articles, there should be an abstract text not exceeding 200 words and keywords of at least 4 and maximum 5 words. In Turkish articles, in addition to the Turkish abstract and keywords, the abstract and key words of one of the foreign languages used by the author in English, French, German or Russian should be included. In the articles written in one of the above-mentioned foreign languages, Turkish abstract and key words should also be included.
  2. Old-letter texts must be written in Universal Word or similar programs. If a special font is used, the font in question must be sent along with the document. Records of pictures, maps, etc. materials used in the text with the extension “.jpg / .tiff” should also be attached. Care should be taken to ensure that such documents have a resolution suitable for the printing technique (at least 300 pixels) and are large enough not to exceed the page area. It should be noted that such documents should have a resolution (at least 300 pixels) suitable for the printing technique and a size that does not exceed the page area.
  3. Manuscripts should be in Times New Roman, 11 pt (9 pt for footnotes) and spelling should not be done at the end of the line. The page layout should be in A4 size, the margins should be 3 cm from the right, left, top and bottom, with 1.5 line spacing, aligned on both sides, and the space between the paragraphs, before and after the paragraph should be 3 pt, and the page number should be given. Instead of the “TAB” key at the beginning of the paragraph, the “ENTER” or “RETURN” key should be used. Punctuation marks should be written adjacent to the words before them. A one-letter space should be left after the aforementioned signs.
  4. The number of words in the articles sent to the journal should be 3000-15000. (Manuscripts exceeding the specified range will be returned to their authors after preliminary review.)
  5. An article should contain the abstract, introduction, main text, conclusion, bibliography, and (if any) appendices in order. All main headings in the article should be written in capital letters and in bold. All subheadings will be written in bold, and the first letter of each word will be capitalized and a carriage return will be placed at the end of the title.
  6. The Chicago Manual of Style footnote system is used in the journal.
  7. Footnotes should be written in 9 points full spacing. Its alignment should be justified. References in the text should be numbered starting from 1 as footnotes at the bottom of the page. Footnotes should be placed after the punctuations marks. Except for this, no citation should be made in the text. When citing references in footnotes, the names of the books and journals should be italicized, and the names of the articles should be given in quotation marks. In the footnotes, the full reference should be given in the first place, then abbreviations such as ibid. should be written in abbreviations determined by the author. If more than one book or article by an author is used, after the first use of the second work, the surname of the author, followed by the full or abbreviated name of the book or article should be given. Where multi-author references are first mentioned, all authors should be written, and then abbreviated. Footnote notation should be as in the examples below.

Footnote Examples

 Archival Materials:

In the first mention:

  1. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA.), Dâhiliye Nezareti, Dâhiliye Nezâreti Emniyet-i Umûmiye Müdüriyeti Birinci Şube Belgeleri (DH. EUM. 1. ŞB.), 1/5, 25 Teşrinievvel 1325.

In subsequent references:

BOA., DH. EUM. 1. ŞB., 1/5, 25 Teşrinievvel 1325.


In the first mention:

“Fedâkarân-ı Millet Cemiyeti”, Tanin, 1 Kânunusani 1324 [14 Ocak 1909], No: 163, s. 3-4.


In the first mention:

Mehmet Genç, Osmanlı’da Devlet ve Ekonomi, Ötüken Publication, İstanbul 2021, p. 125.

In subsequent references:

Genç, ibid., p. 123.

If the author has more than one work, in the subsequent footnotes:

Genç, Devlet ve Ekonomi, p. 123.

(While citing MA/MS and PhD dissertations, method book footnotes method is used. For abbreviations, ‘ibid.’ is used.)


At first reference:

Feridun M. Emecen, “Konur Alp Gazi’nin Kimliği ve Faaliyetlerine Dair Bilinirliğin Sınırları”, Belleten, I LXXXIV/V. 300, (2020), p. 545.

In subsequent references:

Emecen, ibid., p. 545.

If the author has more than one article, in the following footnotes:

Emecen, “Konur Alp” p. 545.

(Article footnote method is also valid for encyclopedia articles, proceedings book and book chapters.)

Internet Resources (Erişim tarihi: 27.11.2007).

References: The sources and researches used in the articles should be shown under this heading at the end of the article. References should start on a new page under this heading, only the references cited in the text should be included, and should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors:

Examples for Resources

 Archival Documents:

  1. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA.), Dâhiliye Nezareti, Dâhiliye Nezâreti Emniyet-i Umûmiye Müdüriyeti Birinci Şube Belgeleri (DH. EUM. 1. ŞB.), 1/5; 2/5; 5/7.


“Fedâkarân-ı Millet Cemiyeti”, Tanin, 1 Kânunusani 1324 [14 Ocak 1909], No: 163, s. 3-4.


GENÇ, Mehmet, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Devlet ve Ekonomi, Ötüken Publication, İstanbul 2021.

İNALCIK, Halil, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu-Klasik Çağ, 1300-1600, trans. Ruşen Sezer, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul 2009.

Articles-Encyclopedia Articles, Proceedings Book and Book Chapters:

EMECEN, Feridun M., “Konur Alp Gazi’nin Kimliği ve Faaliyetlerine Dair Bilinirliğin Sınırları”, Belleten, Issue LXXXIV/V. 300, (2020), p. 543-558.

BEYDİLLİ, Kemal, “Yeniçeri”, İslam Ansiklopedisi, C 43, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Publications, İstanbul 2013, p. 450-462.

İNALCIK, Halil, “Tanzimat Nedir?”, Tanzimat, Değişim Sürecinde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Edt. Halil İnalcık-Mehmet Seyitdanlıoğlu, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Publications, İstanbul 2011, p. 29-56.

Internet Resources:, (Erişim tarihi: 27.11.2007).

Correspondence Address:


Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü

SÜ. Alaeddin Keykubat Yerleşkesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, Selçuklu-Konya/Türkiye

Tel: 0.332.2231423
